To enable the Konekta Plugin within your Actionstep database you firstly need to click on the admin menu and navigate to the integrations page. Scroll down until you find Konekta and click on Connect with Konekta
Enable the plugin to show in your matters
- Within Actionstep, navigate to Admin > Integrations:
- Scroll down to find Konekta, then click the Connect with Konekta button:
- Toggle the Enable switch to the on position, then click Save and Manage Konekta Add-ons:
- Konketa has now been enabled for your database and can now be accessed via any Actionstep matter via the 3 dots
Because you are switching from Actionstep to Konekta, you may be prompted to log in again for security:

Once logged in you can start using the Konekta products.
Please note that you will be prompted to enter your username and passwords for each of the individual vendor products on first use.