March 2023
When the CLC Template version of Actionstep is implemented at a CLC many are taking the option to utilise a synchronisation tool provided by Konekta. In order for that tool to work effectively, certain key elements need to be maintained in a way that accords with the CLASS reporting and NLAP Data Standards Manual counting rules.
Konekta Sync Settings
In early versions of the Actionstep CLC template this was referred to as Counting Rule Settings or Counting Rules for Konekta Sync but in more recent versions it is referred to Konekta Sync Settings. Any of these names refer to the same thing: a matter type that contains within it instructions for how the Konekta Sync is supposed to interpret and feed your data into CLASS.
There are two main elements contained within the Konekta Sync Settings:
- Client Classifications – this is an optional feature used by some centres to identify a specific Anonymous Contact record for use on matters where the client has requested to remain anonymous.
- Matter Classifications – this is a critical feature that must be used by all centres to identify how each matter type should be interpreted.
For the most accurate reporting you must add a record in Matter Classifications for ALL matter types regardless of whether they relate to CLASS or not.
Client Classification
The user interface screen to set your anonymous client allows you to select a contact record from the Actionstep contact database to use as your Anonymous Client:
To select a record simply type the name of the contact into the window and select the correct contact record.
Matter Classification
The user interface to view matter classifications is a multi-row
- Action type ID
This can be found by navigating to Admin>Matter types and either hovering your mouse over the name of the matter type and viewing the ID number at the end of the preview URL that appears at the bottom of the page or clicking the matter type and viewing the ID number at the end of the URL in the URL window. - Action Type Name
Type in the Matter Type name exactly as it appears in your system e.g. Community Projects - Counting Rules Classification
The options for the Counting Rules Classification relate to which overarching funding structure is relevant for a particular matter type. In most CLCs this will be CLASS but some are also reporting via other agreed methods so the list will vary by centre. Below is one example.If a matter type is not relevant to any funder from a sync perspective then select Not relevant and the rest of the fields should automatically populate accordingly resulting in no data from those matter types being included in any feed.
- Are Multiple Services Subsumed
Depending on how a centre decides to structure their matter types this will either be Yes or No and generally only applies to CLASS data not DEX or CAV or other protocols. If Yes is selected, regardless of how many services are recorded on a matter, only one will be reported in the sync so it is important to then decide which type of service rules to apply to that one record (next question). - Service Classification
The options available will depend on how you have answered the previous question.- If YES, you will need to indicate which service type the matter should be aligned to so that the appropriate rules are applied to the data feed.
- If NO, as above, but a different list appears to select from and includes As per Matter Services which is what most CLCs will opt for unless they have a very specific matter type that will only ever be used for one service type.
- If Not relevant, the only option which will prefill by default is Not Relevant.
- If YES, you will need to indicate which service type the matter should be aligned to so that the appropriate rules are applied to the data feed.
- Non or Full Client?
You also have the option of identifying if a matter type will be delivered to non or full clients[1]. Most CLCs set their matter types to Full Client unless they only intend to deliver Information or Referral services on a particular matter type however that is not necessary either as only the data required for an Information or Referral service will be sent if that is the service type so many set all matter types to default to Full Client.
Other common troubleshooting
When the Konekta Sync seems not to be reporting correct data, often one of the following issues is the culprit.
Funding Categories
Each matter type that reports to CLASS has a Funding Categories dropdown list. These should be maintained in a uniform way across all relevant matter types but occasionally things go wrong. Verify that the naming of the funding categories in Actionstep dropdown lists accurately reflects the CLASS list for that centre. Keep in mind that a centre may modify the Display Name of a value in a dropdown list if they wish but the Stored Value must perfectly match the CLASS Funding Category options.
GO TO: Admin>Matter Types>[relevant matter type]>Matter Data>Services (CLASS)>Funding Category
Service Type
Each matter type that reports to CLASS has a Service Type dropdown list. The Service Type selected will dictate which other fields must be included in the CLASS feed. If the wrong service type is selected, or a centre has added their own service types that vary in naming from the standard list this will cause sync problems. Keep in mind that a centre may modify the Display Name of a value in a dropdown list if they wish but the Stored Value must perfectly match the CLASS/Data Standards Manual options.
GO TO: Admin>Matter Types>[relevant matter type]>Matter Data>Services (CLASS)>Service Type
Missing service dates
Each matter type that reports to CLASS has a Service Open Date field and a Service Closed Date field. Each service must have an open date added or it effectively does not exist. All ongoing services to individuals must also have a closed date or they will not be counted as delivered according to current CLASS/NLAP reporting rules.
To check this, open one of your matter list views that contains columns for Service type, Open Date and Close Date and run a quick scan over them to see if this seems like a widespread issue.
Fields not set to Mandatory
Centres have the ability to make fields mandatory or optional at the matter level. This is useful to orient staff to complete the critical data fields without being a barrier to ‘doing the work’. It’s also a common approach to dial back the mandatory for the first month or so while people learn a new system and then raise the guardrails back up but it’s easy to miss a few small things. A quick peek at your Client Details and Services data collections should show you which have the blue tick to indicate a field is mandatory on that matter and which do not. Below is an image showing one example but these vary per centre and per matter type:
GO TO: Admin>Matter Types>[insert relevant matter type name here]>Matter Data and click on the Edit button next to Services (CLASS)
Matter types disabled or not added to Konekta Sync Settings list
Sometimes a centre may have evolved their processes and decided to create a new matter type to replace an old one then disabled the old one. Disabling a matter removes it from the sync so reporting will then be inaccurate. There are multiple options available to avoid this issue but which is most appropriate will depend on the specific need and should be discussed with your Actionstep support partner (often Workcloud, in Victoria you can also raise with the Federation data team). Options may include:
- adapting the old matter type to meet current needs and reenabling it
- keeping both matter types enabled but renaming the old one so it is not used
- converting matters using the old matter type to the new one to retain the data in one matter type
- ensuring new matter types are included in the Konekta Sync Settings matter classification list.
[1] Non or Full client is a CLASS requirement only and not specifically required by the NLAP Data Standards Manual